Comparison loses all power at the cross

Why does she always look better than me? What can I do to have what he has? Where did they get that kind of money/job/relationship/house?

Questions like these often take up residence in our minds. Comparison runs rampant if we let it.

Being a new mom, I‘ve recently caught myself mid-spiral in thoughts that question everything from my baby’s schedule to the color of my kitchen cabinets. Are they really good enough?

No matter what season we’re in or what we have accomplished, there’s always someone we can point to who does is “better.”

But I’m not here to tell you about those people. I’m here to tell you about Jesus.

His life truly was PERFECT. Yet He gave it willingly as a sacrifice on the cross to save us.

So when we look at the cross, we must recognize that comparison loses all its power there, because life is not about being the “best” version of ourselves. Rather, it’s about surrendering our lives in submission to the one who was “best” in our place.

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